Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Have a heart

For those that don't know (and I assume that is most of the world). I had some type of "event" or even a cardiac event last week during the wee hours of the morning around 1:15am, Wednesday April 15th. I fell asleep Tuesday evening on the couch in the living room. I've been under a bit of stress to put it mildly so I haven't been sleeping well or sleeping at all for that matter. So back to the story, I woke up about 1am and headed upstairs to go to sleep. Ginny was still working on the computer in the office so I just mumbled good night. By the time I got to the top of the stairs, I was slightly out of breath (unusual), a little woozy (not unusual), and I had distinct butterflies in the stomach (more usual lately). I headed into the bathroom and by the time I got there I was a little rubber kneed and decided to sit down. As I sat down, my stomach was queasy and I started sweating profusely. Now I was getting concerned, that has never happened to me before (although it has happened since). I thought if I'm going to pass out I don't want to do it on a tile floor. So I headed back downstairs to tell Ginny I didn't feel so good. She recognized it as I came in the office. You have no color and your sweating she said. I took my blood pressure which is usually in the 120/80 range and it was 77/50. I started to think "this is the big one" but calmer heads prevailed. Ginny called the health care advice nurse who told her to have me lay down and elevate my feet. Once I did that I almost immediately started to feel better. within 5 minutes I was almost back to normal. So I went up to bed and got a couple hours sleep and planned to call my doctor the next day. Long story short, I saw my doctor who said I had to see a cardiologist, which I did the following day, Thursday. That doctor was very distracted with a patient who actually was having a heart attack but he told me "I don't know what happened to you". He didn't think I had a heart attack but he did think it might be some type of cardiac event. So I'm having more tests done. In the mean time, Friday morning middle of the night, I had two more minor repeats of my Wednesday morning episode. In both cases, I figured I would go back to sleep. I had a lot to do on Friday in the office and I figured, if it was a heart attack which the doc said it probably wasn't, if it killed me I didn't have to worry about working in the office that day but if it wasn't a heart attack I should at least try to get some sleep so that I could get my work done that day. I should tell you that Ginny didn't see my logic or at least didn't like my logic. I talked to my regular doctor that day and he seemed to think maybe it is some type of stomach virus or just anxiety or some "hormonal shift" whatever that may be....I'm not going through menopause that I know of but hmmmmm. I'll let you know how it goes.

the john

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